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What is a bond issue?

A bond issue is a way to borrow money to fund capital projects like school renovations.  This requires voter approval. 



Where does the money come from to pay for the bonds?

The District obtains bids and sells bonds to the buyer with the lowest interest rate.  The District then pays back the debt over a period of years with tax dollars.  This process is similar to a home loan. 


What will the tax rate be?

If approved, the debt service tax rate of the District would increase by an estimated $0.86 per $100 of equalized assessed value.  The estimated annual impact of the referendum approved bonds on a $100,000 market value home is $236.  To find out how much you will contribute, use our tax calculator.


What will the money be used for? 

The tax revenue will be used to pay for the construction of the new Jr. High, and High School Entrance/Gymnasium Addition, Media Center/Library and Art Room.


How long will the tax rate be in effect?

If approved, the debt service tax rate would be in effect through 2038 (20 years), when the improvements would be paid for in full.


What will happen to the old Jr. High building?

The School Board is pursuing all options for other uses for the current Jr. High.  The Board has pledged that the building will not sit dormant.  If another use is not found for the building it will be demolished.


What are the benefits of passing the tax levy?

  • Facilities that are able to provide learning environments that meet the needs of today and tomorrow's students with proper technology, safety, security, and comfort. 

  • Energy efficiency and reduced utility costs. 

  • Sound investment of our capital dollars in facilities that will serve the community for years to come.


When is the election?


Vote YES on NOVEMBER 6, 2018


Please contact us with any further questions and/or concerns

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